Wisdom Teeth

A bit about wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt, the final molars on each side of the upper and lower jaws. Wisdom teeth usually emerge from age 16 to 25 and for many people the only solution is removal.

When one of these teeth doesn’t have enough room to come in normally, it is considered impacted. Teeth may become twisted, tilted, or displaced as they try to emerge.

wisdom teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth

You may not know that you have impacted wisdom teeth. Symptoms may include pain, swollen and bleeding gums, swelling around the jaw, bad breath, headache or jaw ache, and an unpleasant taste when eating. Some people experience stiffness of the jaw.


The first step is to make an appointment to see us. Impacted wisdom teeth that are left untreated can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. You may also experience damage to your other teeth, including infection and overcrowding of teeth.

Annual dental appointments and x-rays can catch impacted teeth early before they start to show symptoms.

Wisdom tooth extraction – support your recovery

What happens after my extraction?

You may experience some discomfort once the anaesthetic wears off. Due to some bleeding in your mouth, you might also have pink saliva for the next day or two. Do not spit it out as this can cause more bleeding.

Your gums and cheek will feel swollen as your body starts to heal and you may experience some pain. This should begin to improve after about four days. When you sleep, prop up your head with a stack of pillows as this will prevent swelling and excessive blood flow in your mouth.

What should I do if my mouth starts to bleed?

A gauze pad will be placed in your mouth during treatment. Bite down into the gauze for as long as your dentist has advised. We will also give you some extra gauze in case of bleeding later.

If the socket begins to bleed after you have left, roll some gauze into a ball and place it in the gap where the tooth was. Bite down on it for around 30 minutes


  • Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Do not suck, spit, rinse your mouth or put your fingers in your mouth for at least 12 hours
  • Avoid hot drinks and hard foods for 24 hours
  • Avoid taking aspirin unless normally prescribed by your doctor
I’m in a lot of pain. What should I do?

If you are in a lot of pain, take some non-aspiring based pain medication eg. Panadol, Nurofen. Cold foods like yoghurt and ice cream may provide some relief too.

How can I look after my mouth after my treatment?

Gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water about 24 hours after your treatment and after your meals for around a week.

For the first few days after your extraction, try to eat foods that are easy to chew like pasta, mashed potato, custard or soup. Eat on the other side of your mouth to avoid the sore part of your mouth.

If you experience any problems give us a call on 02 9570 3847

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